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Larry Hinds


Larry Hinds

Early in the 1960’s, as a teenager, Larry first got the photo bug. With the loan of a 35mm camera and some instruction from a friend, Larry learned the basics including developing film and printing photos. He has been shooting and perfecting his technique ever since.
Shortly after moving to Hendersonville, NC, Larry became aware of the
abundance of wildlife in his neighborhood. With camera in hand, a typical day
will find Larry out before breakfast walking a 1.5 mile, encountering all matter
of wildlife. The loop is repeated after lunch and before or after dinner,
depending on time of year.
Larry feels “Every day’s an adventure. You never know what animals, in what
setting, you may encounter. “An added benefit has been to observe these
animals in their native habitat. Observing how communal and family oriented
these animals are is simply Fascinating! I feel so lucky to be able to witness
and document these marvelous creatures. I hope you can feel that passion,
love and emotion in the work you’re viewing.”

Monday - Thursday   10:00a - 5:00p

Friday                       10:00a - 2:00p

Saturday & Sunday   by appointment

After-hours appointments available!

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